Title of work: |
Genre: Fiction Non-Fiction Biography Autobiography |
Yes |
No |
Purpose and Organization 1. I stated my purpose clearly. 2. I organized my thoughts. 3. My work has a beginning, middle and end. 4. I chose words that helped make my point.
Word/Sentence Use 5. I used some new vocabulary. 6. I wrote complete sentences. 7. I used correct subject-verb agreement. 8. I used the past tense correctly.
Mechanic/Format 9. I spelled words correctly. 10. I used capitals to start sentences. 11. I used periods and question marks correctly. 12. I indented paragraphs.
Editing 13. I read my paper aloud to a partner. 14. I asked a partner to read my paper.
Genre: Poetry |
1. I used descriptive language in the poem. 2. I used the required format (e.g. quatrain) 3. I illustrated poem. 4. I used nouns, verbs and adjectives. 5. I presented the poem to the class.
Adaptado de O´Malley y Valdez, 1996